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The Hills Cricket Club: Strategic Plan 2016 – 2019

The Hills Cricket Club: Strategic Plan 2016 – 2019

Vision: To achieve Excellence through the Spirit of Cricket

Mission Statement: To foster and promote participation in the sport of cricket within the community; to provide facilities for playing cricket; and to provide opportunities for recreation, coaching and competition. 

 Values: Integrity, Respect, Inclusiveness, Ethics. [Our Culture]

 Key Objectives:

To provide cricket facilities at both adult and youth levels at standards consistent with those of Cricket Ireland and the Leinster Cricket Union.

To actively encourage the playing of cricket by all in a manner reflecting the ethos of ‘The Spirit of Cricket’

To provide quality facilities for social events for the benefit and enjoyment of both club members and members of the local community.

 Specific Actions Required[1]:

 1.0 Community

1.1] To promote the club within the wider community

1.2] To revamp the club’s Newsletter

1.3] To develop the club website

1.4] To engage with Scoil Moibhi with regard to the shared use of facilities


2.0 Cricket

2.1] To continue the development of coaching structures within the club

[1] Time-lines and personnel responsible for implementation of Strategic Plan will be organised by the Executive Committee in November 2016


2.2] To ensure that each team has access to the services of a qualified coach

2.4] To increase by a minimum of two for each year for the duration of this plan the number of qualified coaches in the club

2.5] To increase participation rates among young people [via schools’ visits and use of Skerries Community Centre for Easter Camps]

2.6] To provide individual development plans for our young cricketers  

2.7] To improve the retention rates of our young cricketers

2.8] To evaluate in the light of existing facilities the number of teams at adult and youth levels which it is realistic to enter in competitions

2.9] To retain Division 1 status in LCU League for the duration of this plan


3.0 Facilities

3.1] To refurbish the kitchen

3.2] To acquire a second artificial pitch

3.3] To develop the practice facilities

3.4] To acquire an outfield mower

3.5] To acquire a mower for the wickets

3.6] To acquire additional covering for wickets

3.7] To undertake a feasibility study with regard to the erection of a Centre of Excellence


4.0] Finance

4.1]] To establish a Patrons’ Membership Scheme

4.2] To enlarge and promote the ‘Friends of The Hills’ Scheme

4.3] To establish a Fund Raising Committee

4.4] To increase the number of advertising hoardings by 25%


5.0] Governance

5.1] To prepare a new Constitution relevant to the club’s status in terms of capital acquisitions.

5.2] To retain Club Grade Category A in Cricket Leinster’s Accreditation Scheme

5.3] To revise our Health and Safety Statement

5.4] To prepare job specifications and responsibilities for key roles within the club


6.0] Personnel

6.1] To appoint a Director of Coaching

6.2] To appoint a Health and Safety Officer

6.3] To appoint a Medical Officer

6.4] To increase the number of persons competent in the use of the defibrillator

6.5] To engage in succession planning with regard to key roles within the club – e.g. care and maintenance of grounds, financial planning, compliance requirements

6.6] To appoint a Bar Manager

6.7] To appoint a Membership Secretary

6.8] To engage with FAS and TUS personnel with regard to development needs

6.9] To increase the number of persons qualified to act as scorer.

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