We will be putting in The Christmas order for O’Neill’s gear to Santa next week so to avoid disappointment please make sure you place all requests on or before 18th November so his busy elf department have enough time to package and put them on his slay.
You can contact Santa’s helper Gillian Byrne on 0873735231 with your order and price information. Can we also remind any members who still owe any monies for gear previously ordered that we would appreciate payment for same. You can also order direct from O’Neill’s by going to their website and searching under under the Menu ‘Your Club’ and enter The Hills Cricket Club. The gear is more expensive but you will get it delivered directly to your house.
#HO! HO! HO!
Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/all-i-want-for-christmas-is-a-hills-hoodie-and-a-selection-box/
We had alot of fun last year at our Produce Fair and Santa visit, hope to see you all again this year on December 17th and 18th as its YOU that makes this club so special. In the meantime check out our film below from all of last years Christmas fun and frolics at The Hills!!!
Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/applications-invited-for-childrens-welfare-officer/
On behalf of all members of The Hills Cricket Club…we would like to congratulate our very own Ciara Metcalfe on scooping the 2016 Player of the year award today from Cricket Ireland!
Well Done Ciara we are really delighted for your achievement and recognition of all your hard work both on and off the field of play to progress and develop Women’s/Girls cricket.
One Club…..The Hills CC……..
Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/congratulations-ciara-2016-player-of-the-year/
Martin Byrne will be holding a Tea Dance in The club on Sunday 27th November form 3.30pm – 6.00pm. Admission is €5.00 and Refreshments served. Full details below, All Welcome! Good times and Great Craic guranteed!!!
Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/martin-byrne-sings-for-his-tea-2/
Our President’s Dinner will take place in the clubhouse on Friday 4th November, please arrive at 7.30 pm sharp for an 8.00 pm start. Take up for this event has been high but there are still a few places left. So if you are interested in attending please contact Bobby Swarbrigg [087 227 7563] as soon as you can. We would be delighted to meet you there. Tickets are €40 per head.
Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/presidents-dinner-2/
The following persons were elected to the club’s Executive Committee, at the club’s AGM on Monday 17th October 2016, to serve for the next twelve months.
Mary Boylan, Mark Clinton, Shea Clinton, Willie Dwyer, Ciara Metcalfe, Matt Richards, Martin Russell, Paul Smyth, Max Sorensen, and Bill Stuart.
Also, many thanks to all those who attended and participated at this meeting. Your contributions were both welcome and important.
Bill Stuart
Honorary Secretary
Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/new-executive-committee/
A screening morning for all The Hills Cricket Club players (Boys/Girls/Men/Women) from 10 years of age up will take place on Saturday 15th October. This is totally voluntary and will be the first step to start building a player library for the future and fine tuning player development.
The morning will consist of a physical screening of the following attributes:Weight, Height, Speed, Explosive Power and establishing a baseline fitness marker.
It will also measure basic skill sets:
Fielding – Throwing, Catching
Bowling – Repeatable Action, Consistency
Batting – Basic Technique, Range Hitting
Max Sorensen will be leading the physical screening and Albert van der Merwe will lead the skill Sets
Could all Team managers and/or coaches please inform their teams. We would appreciate it if anyone interested in taking part could let us know by Thursday 13th Oct. You can contact us through our website or Message us on our facebook page.
Date: Saturday 15 October
Time: 10am – 1pm
Venue: The Vineyard
Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/screening-morning-for-all-hills-cricket-club-players-saturday-15th-october/