End of Season Youth Cricket Celebration

We would just like to take this opportunity to thank all our Youth members for the wonderful summer of cricket we had, so with our season for our Boys and Girls now at a close!

We would like to invite all our Underage members to The Hills Cricket Club this Friday 16th of September for our end of season party which will include some presentations but most importantly a lot of goodies,BBQ etc.plus maybe even some of the parents having a bash themselves at the game of cricket!

It is a celebration evening at the club for our younger members and one last chance this year to come together as friends before putting away our cricket gear for the winter……..

We would appreciate if you could turn up for 6.30 sharp so we can get the proceedings up and running!

Thank you to one and all for your continued support through the season……One Club…..The Hills CC.

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The Hills Cricket Club Constitution

Dear Members,

We are in the process of updating our constitution and we would like input from you all. Please take some time over the next couple of weeks to review our current constitution below and contacts us here with your suggestions and amendments as you see fit.




  1. The name of the club is The Hills Cricket Club, (hereinafter referred to as the Club).


  1. Colours:

The Club’s colours shall be Red, White and Navy Blue.


  1. Club Purposes

The purposes of the Club are to foster and promote participation in the sport of cricket within the community, providing facilities for playing cricket, opportunities for recreation, coaching and competition.


  1. Affiliation

4.1 The Club is affiliated to Cricket Ireland through the Leinster Cricket Union

4.2 The Club is fully committed to safeguarding the well-being of its members. Every individual involved in the Club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for their rights of safety and welfare and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the Club and the guidelines contained in the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport in Ireland

  1. Permitted means of Advancing the Purposes

The Committee has the power to:

5.1 Acquire and provide grounds, equipment, coaching, training and playing facilities, clubhouse, transport and related facilities

5.2 Provide coaching, training and related social and other facilities

5.3 Take out insurance for club committee, employees, players, guests and third parties

5.4 Raise funds by appeals, subscriptions, charges, raffles, events and other fund-raising activities

5.5 Borrow money and give security for the same and open bank accounts

5.6 Buy or lease property and sell, let or otherwise dispose of the same provided that no disposal of The Vineyard (The Club’s ground) can be made without the prior approval of the members voting at a general meeting.

5.7 Set aside or apply funds for special purposes or as reserves

5.8 Apply for grants

5.9 Deposit or invest funds in any lawful manner

5.10 Employ and engage staff and others and provide services

5.11 Co-operate with organisations, clubs, sporting bodies, government or government-related agencies

5.12 Do all other things reasonably necessary to advance the purposes

None of the above powers may be used other than to advance the purposes consistently within the Rules below and the general law.

  1. Membership
    • Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application regardless of gender, age, disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, civil status, family status, religion and membership of the Traveller Community. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis.


  • The Club may have different classes of membership on a non-discriminatory and fair basis.


  • The levels of subscriptions will be decided by the Committee from time to time and notified to the members


  • The Club will have the following classes of membership:
    • Full members – playing
    • Full-members – non-playing
    • Student members – over 18 years of age and in full –time education
    • Youth members – under the age of 18
    • Honorary Life members who are nominated by the Committee on the basis of having rendered outstanding service to the Club
    • Pavilion members – entitled to the use of the Club’s pavilion facilities, but will not have voting nor playing rights


  • Admission for membership of the Club shall be by completion of a membership application form and granted by resolution of the Committee


  • No person shall be eligible to take part in the business of the Club, vote at general meetings or be eligible for selection for any Club team unless the applicable subscription has been paid on or before a date specified by the Committee. Subscriptions become due from 1 January onwards of the current year.


  • The Club Committee may refuse membership or remove it at its discretion but will not do so on a discriminatory or unfair basis. In the event of a refusal of membership, the applicant shall be entitled to make further representations in writing to the Committee within fourteen (14) days of notification of refusal. The Committee will consider the application again and its decision shall then be final


  • All members will be subject to the Rules of the Club and by joining the Club will be deemed to accept these Rules, Club Regulations and Code of Conduct.


  • The Club Secretary will keep a register of members


  • A member may resign by giving written notice to the Club, but this withdrawal does not relieve him or her of any liabilities under Rule 6.6

6.11     Removal of a member is dealt with in Clause 12 below and can be made for good cause including conduct likely to bring the Club into disrepute

7          General Meetings

7.1       All members may attend all general meetings

7.2       All full members have 1 vote

7.3       Members must be given 14 days’ notice of all general meetings

7.4       The quorum for all general meetings is 15 members present

7.5       If a quorum is not present within 30 minutes of the start of the meeting, the meeting will be adjourned to the following week at the same time and place or such other time and place as the Committee decides. If at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within thirty (30) minutes after the appointed time, the members present shall constitute a quorum.

7.6      The Chairperson or (in his /her absence) another member chosen by the members present will preside

7.7       Except as otherwise provided in the Club’s Regulations, every resolution shall be decided by a simple majority of the votes cast on a show of hands

7.8       Formalities in connection with general meetings (such as how to put down resolutions) shall be decided by the Committee in the Club’s Regulations and publicised to Club Members

  1. Annual General Meetings

The Club will hold an AGM once in every calendar year

8.1.1    The Members will elect a Committee including a President, Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary to serve until the next AGM

8.1.2    The President shall hold office for two years, and at the conclusion of his or her first year in office a President Elect shall be elected to serve as President for the two years following the term of the outgoing President. The President Elect shall serve for one year before assuming the office of President. The immediate Past President shall serve for the year following the end of his or her term as President.

8.1.3    The Treasurer will produce accounts of the Club for the latest financial year audited as the Committee shall decide

8.1.4    The Committee will present a report of the Club’s activities since the previous AGM

8.1.5    The Members will discuss and vote on any resolution and deal with any business put to the meeting

  1. Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM)

An EGM shall be called by the Secretary within 14 days of a request to that effect from the Committee or on the written request of not less than 15 members signed by them. Such EGM shall be held at not less than 14 days’ notice.

  1. The Committee

10.1     Role

Subject to these Rules, the Committee shall have responsibility for the management of the Club, its funds, property and affairs. The Committee may make Club Regulations consistent with these Rules and will publicise these to the members-

10.2     Property

10.2.1  The property and funds of the Club cannot be used for the direct or indirect private benefit of members other than as reasonably allowed by the Rules and all surplus income will be re-invested in the Club

10.2.2  The Club may sell and supply beverages, related sports clothing and equipment

10.2.3  The Club may indemnify the Committee and members acting properly in the course of running the Club against any liability incurred in the proper running of the Club but only to the extent of its assets

10.2.4  The Club may hire or rent out its premises to such groups or individuals as are deemed acceptable to the Committee

10.3     Composition and Powers of Committee

10.3.1  The Committee of the Club shall be composed of five (5) ex-officio members and a minimum of five ordinary Committee members.

10.3.2  The Committee may co-opt club members to serve until the next AGM

10.3.2  The Committee may delegate its functions to sub-committees but must specify the scope of their activities and powers; the extent to which they can commit the funds of the Club; its membership; its duty to report back to the Committee

10.3.3  The Committee shall have the power to appoint a Management Group comprising the President, Chairperson, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer. The Management Group shall meet as required to deal expeditiously with any urgent business before bringing their conclusions to the full Committee for action or ratification

10.3.4  Any member may resign from the Committee or honorary office of the Club. Any member who has failed to attend four (4) consecutive meetings of the Committee without showing reasonable cause shall, at the discretion of the Committee, be deemed to have given such notice of resignation

10.3.6  A person may be removed from the Committee in accordance with Clause 6.8

10.4     Committee Meetings

10.4.1  The Committee may decide its own regulations for the conduct of meetings however, the following rules will apply:

10.4.2  At least 4 members must be present to constitute a quorum

10.4.3  Committee meetings may be held either in person or by telephone, or electronic means agreed by the Committee in which all participants may communicate

10.4.4  Ordinarily, the Chairperson will chair the meetings

10.4.5  Decisions shall be by simple majority of those voting

10.4.6  A resolution in writing signed by a minimum of 60% of the members of the Committee shall be valid without a meeting

10.4.7  The Chairperson will have a casting vote

10.4.8  The Committee shall appoint a Designated Liaison Person and a Club Welfare Officer to ensure compliance with safeguarding legislation. The Club Welfare Officer shall report to the relevant Committee meetings and the reports, together with any action taken, must be minuted.

10.5 The Minute Book

The Committee shall cause minutes to be made in proper books of; 1) all resolutions and proceedings of Committee and general meetings and 2) the names of all members present at Committee and general meetings. Every minute signed by the chairperson of the meeting to which it pertains or by the chairperson of a subsequent meeting, shall be sufficient evidence of the facts stated therein.


11.1     Bank Account

Any bank account in which any part of the Club’s funds is deposited shall be operated by the Committee and shall be in the name of the Club only. All cheques and orders for payment of money from such accounts must be signed by at least two people authorised by the Committee, including at least 1 Committee member.

11.2     Disclosure of Accounts

Annual accounts, reports and statements of account must be made available for inspection by any member and all club records may be inspected by any Committee member

12        Removal of Membership, Discipline and Appeals

12.1     Any complaints regarding the behaviour of members, guests or volunteers should be lodged in writing with the Secretary.

12.2     The procedures for taking disciplinary action against any members, including removal of membership, are dealt with under the Club’s Disciplinary Code.

  1. Resignation from Club, Office or Committee

13.1 Any member, by giving one month’s notice in writing to the Hon. Secretary and providing his resignation is accepted by resolution of the Committee, may resign from the Committee or honorary office of the Club.

13.2 In the case of cases of emergency, illness or other distress, resignation may be accepted by the Committee on summary notice.

  1. Trustees

14.1     Any property or assets of the Club will be vested in 2 or more trustees. The trustees shall hold the same for and on behalf of the members of the Club

14.2     The Committee shall have power by notice in writing to appoint such trustees from the membership of the Club and may remove them at any time, by resolution of the Committee

14.3     The trustees shall deal with the Club’s property and assets as directed by the Committee from time to time

14.4     The trustees shall be entitled to be indemnified out of the Club’s funds against any cost or expense properly incurred in dealing with the property or the assets

  1. Liability of members

In the event of the Club becoming insolvent and unable to repay to the Trustees any sum or part of a sum or sums of money for which they have been found liable in their capacity as Trustees of the Club, the Trustees severally and jointly shall have the right to sue and recover from each member an equitable proportion of any such sum or sums. The members upon whom such liability shall devolve shall be full members on the date of the holding of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) immediately previous to the date on which the Club became insolvent or who became ordinary or playing members since that date.

  1. Club Regulations

The Committee may make Club Regulations consistent with these Rules and will publicise these to the members        

  1. Notices

17.1     Notices to be sent out in accordance with these Rules may be sent by hand, by post or by suitable electronic means and will be treated as being received:

17.1.1  24 hours after being sent by electronic means or delivered by hand to the relevant address

17.1.2  Two clear days after being sent by post

17.2     Notice of all meetings must also be put on Club website and on the Club’s notice board

17.3     A technical defect in the giving of notice of which the members of the Committee are unaware does not invalidate decisions taken at a meeting

  1. Amendments

18.1     These Rules may be amended at a general meeting by resolution passed by two-thirds of the votes cast.

  1. Dissolution

Should it become necessary at any time to dissolve the Club, a general meeting shall be convened for that purpose.

19.1 One month’s notice of such a meeting shall be given, and the resolution to be proposed shall be stated thereon.

19.2 Suspended members and members whose resignations are pending shall not be deprived of their votes.

19.3 It shall be necessary for five-sixths (5/6) of the members present and voting to decide in favour of dissolution before the resolution can be carried.

  1. Distribution of the assets of the Club

In the event of the dissolution of the Club, the surplus assets, if any remain after the payment of all debts and liabilities, including the costs of dissolution, shall be distributed, in value or in specie, in equal shares among the full members of the Club as on the date of the resolution for winding-up.

  1. 21. Indemnity of Officers

Every officer of the Club shall be indemnified by the Club against all losses, costs and expenses which any officer may incur or become liable for by reason of any contracts entered into, or any act or thing done by him or her as such officer or in any way in the discharge of the duties of such officer. The amount for which such indemnity is proved shall immediately attach as a lien on the property of the Club and shall have priority of payment as between the members and all other claims.

  1. Youth Cricket Section

In accordance with the Objects of the Club as stated in Rule 3 the Committee shall make provision for a youth cricket section. The membership of this section shall be restricted to persons under the age of eighteen (18) years of age on the first day of September of the current year. The affairs of the Youth Section shall be subject to such regulations and directions as may be determined by the Committee.


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Irish Sports Council Volunteer Programmes

Following on from the success of previous Volunteer Support Programmes, The Irish Sports Council are happy to announce they will be running a similar programme in Q3/Q4 of 2016 in Dublin, Limerick, Galway and Cork.

 These courses are now live on our website and can be found via the below link:


 In keeping with volunteers’ busy schedules the courses are predominantly half day courses scheduled on Saturdays. There is no limit to the number of courses an individual can attend nor is there a minimum requirement. Volunteers are responsible for booking themselves on to all course offerings via the relevant booking links.

 Please note there is no cost to volunteers for attending this training.


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“Battle for The Castle”

We are delighted to announce The Hills will be taking part in “Battle for The Castle” versus Balbriggan Cricket Club in commemoration of the first recorded cricket match in The North County which was played in Ardgillan back in 1829 ( I wonder where any of our current members around then! ). Superstars form the Past, Present and Future from both clubs will play in the castle grounds on Sunday 14th August at 12.30pm. Hope to see you all there!





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The Return of Irish International Cricket to The Vineyard

Ciara Metcalfe


Thursday the 11th of August will see the Ireland Ladies play South Africa (Proteas) in the last match of the series.  We are planning to celebrate Ciara J Metcalfe and Carrie Archer‘s involvement in Irish Ladies Cricket and the return of Irish International matches to Milverton. We intend to have music during the game, Braai / BBQ for afterwards, An exciting day of Cricket for all the family not to be missed! so be sure to come along!

See how you can help out and make this a great day for The Club. We would love to hear from our members, Please contact us here with your ideas and thoughts. We need Ball Spotters, Screen Pullers etc, and im sure our bar staff, tea ladies and ground staff would’nt say no to a little extra help on the day.

One Club THCC

“Up The Yard”

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It’s Gonna Be Tropic!


Well YOU asked for IT and We Listened! Back by popular demand our now world famous annual Shorts and Shades night.  The most fun you will have this summer with your clothes on! (what you do with them off is your own business). So get the mankinis and grass skirts out! All welcome, bring a friend or three 🙂  It all kicks off Saturday August 13th from 9.00pm.  We are flying in some of the finest culinary experts from around the globe to provide a mouth watering BBQ, we will have Music, Song and Dance! Cocktail Specials, A best outfit prize, A limbo dancing competition! (God Help Us) a special guest or two and some fun surprises.  We cant promise good weather but we can promise all a good time and great craic! ……….. And as The Alarm once said (think One Direction with bigger hair) “I Love To Feel The Rain in The Summertime”


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Summer Camp Announced August 2nd-5th


The Hills C.C. summer cricket camp will be on from August 2nd – 5th (10am -1pm). All children welcome regardless of ability from 5 to 12 year olds.

Cost: 25.00 Euro for members /40 Euro non members (including membership for remainder of year) Sibling discount available.

A week of fun in the beautiful setting of the Hills.

Requirements: Kids should bring a light snack and a drink for the camp.

Great opportunity to get the kids to get out and about and learn all about cricket in a fun safe way.




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It’s Not Cricket!

It’s certainly not Cricket. Its our annual Golf Classic in Balbriggan Golf Club on Friday 5th August, so get your name down quick to avoid disappointment.  Tee off times from 13.00 to 15.50.  Its 200 Euro for a team of 4 including dinner. Why not get your company or yourself to sponsor a hole for 100 euro.  Please contact Luke Clinton or contact us here through the website for further details.


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Finals Friday!


We’re all about The Finals  this coming Friday at THCC! in what is sure to be a very busy day for the Club.  The Ladies Seconds  travel to Observatory Road to face Leinster in the Minor Cup Final at 6.00 THCC over heard some of the women discussing the pre match tunes needed for the coach on the way out…..  Well I know we would all like to hear “We Are The Champions” on the journey back!!!….If any of the travelling support could bring a camera and take a few snaps and send them into us that would be much appreciated.

The Boys under 11’s face Malahide at The MCG at 6.00pm in the Cup Final.  Here’s hoping for a celebratory ice cream cone or two in Storm!

And Finally……. The Vineyard will play host to the  final of  “The Alan Murray Cup” between Merrion and Leisnter. Game starts at 5.00pm.

Whats that we hear you say about buses??? ……Needless to say we need as much support and help as possible for these three games. So All Volunteers Welcome!!26940463803_cde575ac72_o

Wherever you decide to watch your Cricket this Friday we hope you enjoy it and hopefully The Ladies and the Boys will be able to come back to The Vineyard for a victory lap. Bar will be open.





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Womens Minor Cup Semi Final Monday 4th July

We hope you can all come out and support The Ladies in the Minor Cup Semi Final V North Kildare on Monday 4th July  at 6.30pm in The Vineyard. THCC!


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