50 NOT OUT! #Hills50

With the Season ending last weekend our thoughts are turning to 2019 and our 50th year. As part of these celebrations we are looking to expand our club with additional Men’s and Women’s Teams. We are now looking for players of all abilities for our Mens Women’s and Junior sections. So if you’re new to the area or fancy a change contact us on info@thehillscricketclub.ie or call 0879442987 for more information.  And keep an eye on our website and social media pages such as Facebook, Twitter  for news insights and massive announcements to help celebrate our 50 not out.

#THCC  #Hills50

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Tea Dance Sunday 14th October

The Tea dances are back.

Martin Byrne returns this Sunday in the club with his much loved tea dances. 
A great day of music, dancing and Craic.  Bar open, All welcome so come along and enjoy the day.

Sunday 14th Octoberr 3.30 pm – 6.00 pm Refreshments Served. #THCC

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Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/tea-dance-sunday-23rd-september/

The Hills Cricket Club AGM Monday 15th October @ 8.00pm

The Hills Cricket Club AGM is planned to take place on Monday 15th October at 8.00pm .

Nominations for the following positions should be made in writing or by e-mail to the Hon. Secretary Roger Kear at rogkear@gmail.com . Each nomination must include a Proposer and Seconder who must both be fully paid up members of the Hills Cricket Club.

The Positions are as follows President Elect , Chair Person , Hon. Secretary , Hon Treasurer, Chair of Adult Cricket , Chair of Youth Cricket, Chair of House, Chair of Grounds and General committee positions.This year will be a very hectic year as it’s our 50th Anniversary so we are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help drive fund raising and events among other things.Closing date for nominations Friday 28th September at 5.00pm
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Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/the-hills-cricket-club-agm-monday-15th-october-8-00pm/

2018 President’s Dinner

We are pleased to announce that this Year’s President’s Dinner will be held on Friday 16th November in the Club House. More details will follow, With our 50th year in 2019 this event will be one not to miss. All players members supporters and partners most welcome. #THCC
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Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/coffee-morning-in-aid-of-st-francis-hospice-2/

Shorts And Shades Night Saturday 18th August!

A fun filled weekend ahead at The Vineyard! As our Men’s 1sts take on Leinster on Saturday 18th August, we will host a Shorts ‘n’ Shades fundraiser afterward with a Bar B Que, cocktails, music, games and much, much more! Please come along and support this event.  #THCC

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Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/gday-mate/

We Are The Hills #THCC

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Cricket Match for Mothers and Others Friday 17th August

This fun filled, action packed event is back for the second year running due to popular demand.   All you need is a willingness to have fun, a sense of humor and an appetite for the meal afterward (and a few fizzy beverages along the way.  No experience or cricket knowledge is needed. The fun starts from 17.30 on Friday 17th August. #THCC

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Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/the-hills-cc-summer-camp-2018/


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Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/hills-charity-cricket-match-for-injured-jockeys-wednesday-11th-july/

Annual Hills Golf Classic Friday 17th August

We are pleased to announce that our Annual Golf Classic will be held at Balbriggan Golf Club on the Friday 17th of August 2018.  Tee Times are from 2.10pm till 4.30pm.

Cost per team: €250.00

Tee times can now be booked with Luke Clinton, Alan Courell or any member of Executive Committee.  All contact details will be released soon and will also be displayed in the clubhouse!  Please support our very popular fundraiser for the club.
One Club #THCC
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Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/annual-hills-golf-classic-friday-17th-august/

The Hills Quiz Night June 30th

The Hills Quiz Night will take place on Saturday 30th June starting 8 pm . Teams of 4, €10 per person, U 18’s €5  The fourths have a match on that day and the Firsts last Alan Murray game starts at 2 pm so we would hope that as many players members and supporters will help make this an enjoyable and memorable night out. All friends of members, parents and players most welcome. #THCC

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Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/the-hills-quiz-night-june-30th/