NOTICE of A.G.M. of The Hills Cricket Club

NOTICE of A.G.M. of The Hills Cricket Club

Notice is hereby given that the 2019 Annual General Meeting of The Hills Cricket Club will take place in late October (date and time to be confirmed) in the Clubhouse.

Nominations, in writing, must be made to the Hon. Secretary with the names of proposer and seconder by 30th September 2019.

Nominations are required for the following positions and should be emailed to

Executive positions;


Hon. Treasurer

Hon. Secretary

Chair of Adult Cricket sub-committee

Chair of House sub-committee

Chair of Grounds sub-committee

President; Michael Dwyer (deemed elected)

Immediate past President; Martin Russell (deemed elected)

Non-executive general committee members;

Designated Liaison Person (must have attended, or will attend, Safeguarding Children courses 1&2

Social Media/ Website Manager.

Anyone who would like to be involved in the running of the club for the 2020 season is urged to reply in a timely manner.

Many thanks

Roger Kear (

Hon. Secretary, The Hills Cricket Club.                                               September 16th, 2019.

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Tea Dance Sunday September 15th

Well the cricket season might just be over but the hits keep rolling on.

He’s Back.

The legendary tea dances with the legendary Martin Byrne returns next Sunday the 15th of September.
Get down to the cricket club around the 3.30pm mark and enjoy a dance or a listen to all your favorite songs.
Grab a cup of tea and a sandwich or maybe a glass of something stronger with friends, young and old, new or great.
All welcome. #THCC

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Coffee Morning Saturday 14th September

If you are in the Skerries area this Saturday morning come along to The Hills Cricket Club and grab a cup of tea and something sweet and in doing so you will be helping St Francis Hospice.
10am Saturday morning.
All welcome #THCC

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The Hills CC Annual Golf Classic

Next Friday the 16th of August we have Our Annual Golf Classic which will be played in Balbriggan Golf Club. The Tee Times are reserved from 2pm till 4pm on the day and we will return as we have done to The Hills Cricket Club for dinner which will be served from 8.30pm plus prize giving.

Entry: €250.00 per team of four inclusive of dinner.

*If anyone would like to get involved in the event the following can be supported:

Sponsors of Holes: €150.00 
Of Tee box: €100.00

Please get your tee time booked as spaces will be limited. Please contact any member of Executive Committee and also Luke Clinton & Alan Courell will take bookings.

Thank you for your support in Advance! #THCC

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Skerries 100 Motorbike Races 2019


Skerries 100 Motorbike races

Saturday 6th July & Sunday 7th July

This weekend is a huge weekend for our Club. It is our biggest single fundraising event. The success of this weekend does not just happen. We need volunteers to be on hand both days over the weekend, to help with all things, from manning BBQ’s, to general goffer. If you can assist in anyway, for any time on either or both days please let us know.

You can give your name and availability to George on 087 2742057, on any other member of the Executive Committee.

“Ask not what YOUR Club can do for YOU – ask what can YOU do for YOUR Club”

Remember, it’s the members that make the club. #THCC

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Leinster Senior Cup Winners 2019

On behalf of the clubs 1’st Men’s Team, the squad would like thank everyone who helped make Saturday and indeed the whole weekend a very very special one. 
Of course, the team on the day won the match but we are very aware of the help we received to allow us play winning cricket. To Ground, Tea and Bar staff, Sponsors, all The Committees and Supporters who where there and others who watched online or couldn’t make it and the countless messages of congratulations, We cannot thank you all enough. 
Please always remember we all played a part in bringing this cup to The Vineyard. 

Wille Dwyer #THCC

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Cricket Match for Irish Injured Jockeys

This year our Charity Cricket Match for the Irish Injured Jockeys Fund will take place on Tuesday Evening 10th July @ 18.00 in The Vineyard. All welcome BBQ and lots of fun, keep an eye on our social media pages for updates.


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Family Quiz Night Friday May 24th

A date for your social diaries as we host a family quiz night on Friday 24th May at the club house . Start time 7.30 pm.

Please contact Catherine Archer or Mary O’Brien for further information .

Mary O’Brien PH: 087 123 1983

Catherine Archer PH: 085 115 2284

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NB!!! Memberships Are Due

Message for all Members!!!!. Memberships are now due. The Club relies heavily on membership from all its players and members. Please contact your skippers and pay this weekend. We have the cheapest membership in the area and its vital these are paid now. No Pay!!! No Play!!!

If anyone has difficulty , please contact Roger Kear or Ann Murphy and we can sort issues out.

Thank you #THCC

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Irish Wolves V Banladesh Sunday 5th May

This Bank Holiday Sunday The Hills CC will be hosting the Bangladesh National Team in a 50 over match against The Irish Wolves .

Start Time 11.45 am and admission is FREE !!


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