3 Hills players named in Ireland Women’s Squads

Jane Maguire has been named in the Ireland Women’s Performance squad for 2022 while Aimee Maguire and Rebecca Gough have been named in the Development squad. Congratulations to all three players and enjoy the experience.

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Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/3-hills-players-named-in-ireland-womens-squads/

Lotto Results 18th January 2022

The numbers drawn in the Lotto this week were;

3, 25, 28 & 31

There was no winner of The Jackpot.

Lucky Dip winners were Sarah Clinton & Anthony Weldon, €25.00 each.

The Jackpot next week will be €3,050.00.

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Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/lotto-results-18th-january-2022/

Lotto Results 4th January 2022

The numbers drawn in the Lotto last evening were;

4, 8, 12 & 15

There was no winner of The Jackpot.

Lucky Dip winners were Nicola Prendergast & Monica Monahan, €25.00 each.

The Jackpot next week will be €2,950.00.

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Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/lotto-results-4th-january-2022/

Results of New Year Raffle

Here are the winners in the raffle which took place earlier today.

May be an image of text that says "አ50 NEW YEAR'S DAY RAFFLE WIN I TERS I. €500- Ray Moran 2. Music Lesson with Rory Costello- Mary O'Dwyer 3.4 bottles of wine- Ray Moran 4. Bottle Bacardi- Anthony Weldon Bottles of Wine & Roses -Anne Archer 6. Bottle of Harvey's Bristol Cream- Darragh Fynes Tub of Roses- Matt Dwyer 8. Waterford Crystal Bowl- Bill Stuart 9. Bottle of Port Kate Russell IO. Bailey's Chocolate Ciara Sheridan II. Milk Tray- Cormac McLoughlin Gavin 12th Man. Chocolate Mikados- Willie Dwyer"
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Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/results-of-new-year-raffle/

Lotto Results 28th December 2021

The numbers drawn in this weeks Lotto were:

8, 20, 23 & 29

There was no winner of The Jackpot.

Lucky Dip winners were Luke Clinton & Matt Dwyer, €25.00 each.

The Jackpot next week will be €2,900.00.

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Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/lotto-results-28th-december-2021/

Lottery Results 21st December 2021

The numbers drawn in the Lotto last evening were;

4, 17, 21 & 27.

There was no winner of The Jackpot.

Lucky Dip winners were Kathleen Gavin and Mary Clinton, €25.00 each.

The Jackpot next week will be €2,850.00.

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Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/lottery-results-21st-december-2021/

Stacks Pharmacy Supporting The Hills

Stacks Pharmacy of Shenick Road in Skerries presented incoming President Bobby Swarbrigg with First Aid Kits for our teams for the 2022 season.

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Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/stacks-pharmacy-supporting-the-hills/

Lotto Results 14th December 2021

The numbers drawn in the Lotto last evening were;

6, 11, 16 & 21

There was no winner of The Jackpot.

Lucky Dip winners were Kathy Carey & Mary O’Dwyer, €25.00 each

The Jackpot next week will be €2,800.00.

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Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/lotto-results-14th-december-2021/

Lotto Results December 7th 2021

The numbers drawn in the Lotto last evening were;

11, 29, 30 & 31

There was no winner of The Jackpot.

Lucky Dip winners were Alan Courell & Muriel Andrews, €25.00 each.

The Jackpot next week will be €2,750.00.

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Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/lotto-results-december-7th-2021/

Santa and The Hills

May be an image of one or more people and text that says "Christmas at The Hills 2021 Get a personalised video from Santa! Send Santa lists from your family to: TheHillsCCSanta@gmail.com BEFORE 9TH DECEMBER Feel free to send a short video with your list to say hi to Santa! A SANTA TO WILL YOUR 19TH DECEAL LINK VIDEO ON"
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Permanent link to this article: https://thehillscricketclub.ie/santa-and-the-hills/