Youth Coaching Workshop

We would like to invite all our members who managed,coached or mentored any of our Boys & Girls Squads last year to an Information Workshop on Coaching Youth players next Sunday at The Hills Cricket Club.

Our Two Presenters at the Workshop will be John Wills & Matt Dwyer. John’s (our former first team coach) knowledge on the game of cricket and how we coach and what we coach will be invaluable to all in attendance!

Matt will also be present, a former Hills player and former coach to a very successful Irish cricket squad in the recent past! So, with all that been said we would really like this to a be a good start and lead into our 50th year as an on-going learning environment created by two fantastic Coaches from The Hills Cricket Club. Thank you in Advance.

Venue: The Hills Cricket Club.

Time: 12 – 1.30 pm

Date: Sunday 3rd of February 2019.

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