The Hills Win Division 2

The Hills 1– Champions – (Predicted 1st) – Batting Rating 138 – Bowling Rating 145 – Overall Rating 283 – All Ireland Ranking 10 (-3 on year) – Leinster ranking 6 (-2 on year)

Whilst it was not the biggest surprise of the 2015 cricketing season, The Hills won Division 2 by a convincing margin, lifting their 10th league title in total. It was the second time they have won the second tier division in Leinster cricket (2005 was the first time), all of which can be listed some way behind their three Division 1/Senior League titles. Whilst it was a title predicted by all, it still had to be achieved, and despite a couple of hiccoughs, the title was won with the minimum of fuss. Their bowling attack was rated a bit better than their bowling, but closer analysis reveals the bowling was simply awesome. Throughout our league reviews, any bowler who takes more than ten wickets at an average of under 16 can be seen as a decent bowler. If any team has more than one such bowler, they are likely wto win the league. The Hills had five such bowlers, plus two more who averaged a touch over 16. Without clogging up pages and pages of stats (the full details can be seen at the bottom of the page), the splendid septet were Deon Carolus, Max Sorensen, Manu Kumar, Naseer Shoukat, Tomas Rooney Murphy, Luke Clinton and Mark Dwyer. A set of seven bowlers that would rank up at the top of any list of the top attacks in Leinster cricket in the last 30 years. For the last couple of seasons, the team’s Achilles Heel has definitely been the batting, and the batting unit was probably lucky it had such a wonderful bowling attack to help. Only two players passed 200 runs, but that was all that was needed. Nicolaas Pretorious was back to his best, with 387 runs (at 48.38 and a strike rate of 123.64), whilst Mike Baumgart hit 260 (at 37.14, SR 74.07). Max Sorensen’s batting also deserves a mention. He was the only player to score his runs quicker than Pretorious, hitting 173 runs in the 99 balls he faced in league cricket all year. He will be hugely missed. The only two blemishes were the league losses against Balbriggan and Leinster, when the batting spluttered. Against Balbriggan, they slipped from 52-3 to 82 all out (although the bowling nearly saved the day as Balbriggan lost five wickets for seven runs before winning by 3 wickets), whereas against Leinster the batting troubles were higher up the order, as they collapsed to 23-7. But those were mere blips, and Leinster cricket is all the better for having The Hills back in Division 1 in 2016.

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Thanks Jim for your many years of service

The Hills Cricket Club were celebrating former President Jim Bennett in the clubhouse today as he stepped down after 15 years in office.
Thanks Jim for your many years of service to Ireland and Leinster cricket and of course the Hills cricket club.

Incoming President Seamus Clinton seen here with the outgoing President Jim Bennett.

Jim Bennett

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Annual Christmas Raffle 2015

The Hills RaffleThe tree sales continues each week morning from 10 to 12am and all day sat and Sunday from 10am Great value @ 45 euro a tree including delivery.
Sunday’s sees the club celebrate the Jim Bennetts amazing term as President of the club with a presentation at 445 pm and Milverton national school will sing Christmas carols @ 530 with live music to follow. Mince Pies and Mulled Wine for all. A great evening to be had.
Don’t forget the Christmas draw with will be drawn Sunday week in the clubhouse after Santa heads home.
Please support the club.

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New Official 2016 Club Merchandise

Are you struggling to think of a Christmas present for someone special………well why not buy an official Hills piece of club clothing? Polo tops, Rain jackets, Baseball caps or playing shirt. Or why not buy them their membership for season 2016? Another great gift idea.

Hurry now as last orders are this Friday! Contact Gillian Byrne on +353 (87) 373 5251 or leave a message here.

Order Form Clothing

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Santa Arrives at The Hills – Sunday 20th of December 2.30PM

Santa will make his annual visit to the Vineyard to meet all the children of the club and the locality. Santa has been making this stop on his travels for over 40 years now and he has never dissappointed. The club will also be holding their annual Christmas raffle on that day with great prizes in store for all



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Annual Cake and Produce Sale – Saturday 19th of December 10AM

This is one of our most popular Christmas events with locally grown produce and home cooked treats to compliment your Christmas table. The event starts at 10am but come down early to get your pick of the goodies on show.



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Carols at The Hills – Sunday 13th of December 5.15 pm

The boys and girls from Milverton National School will be on hand to get us all into the Christmas spirit witha performance of carols for Chistmas. This event will also include a presenation to our long standing President Jim Bennett who is stepping down from his role after many years of valiant service on behalf of the club.


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Max Sorensen to join CIYMS for 2016 season


After an incredible 8 years with The Hills Max Sorensen will be departing for pastures new for the 2016 season. Max will be taking up a position with Belfast based CIYMS.

On behalf of everyone at the club we want to wish Max the very best of luck in this new phase of his career and thank him for all that he has done as a player and coach for the club. Knowing Max I know that he will want The Hills to continue grow and prosper both on and off the field, the friendships Max has made here at The Hills will last well into his old age not to mind next season.

Thanks again Max for all the wonderful days and memories.



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Harry Archer selected for Ireland Under 15’s

Yesterday the Irish selectors announced their underage squads for the coming season and Harry Archer has been selected to repesent Ireland in the Under 15 team. Well done to Harry and the best of luck in the upcoming season.

The Under 15’s squad includes:

Cian Nulty (Balbriggan), JJ Garth (Pembroke), Neil Rock (Rush), Stuart Jackson (YMCA), Harry Archer (The Hills), Mikey O’Reilly (YMCA), Mitchell Thompson (YMCA), Gavin Hoey (Pembroke).



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2016 Committee elected at AGM

At the AGM held in the clubhouse on Monday last the 19th of October wth 26 members in attendance the following were elected to the committee for 2016:

President: Shea Clinton

Chairman: Paul Smyth

Treasurer: Mark Clinton

Honorary Secretary: Bill Stuart

Chairman of Adult Cricket: Bobby Swarbrigg

Chairman of Youth Cricket: John Pope

Chairman of Grounds: Thomas Murphy




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