New Head Coach Announced

Photo Courtesy of Joe Curtis

The Hills Cricket Club is pleased to announce the appointment of Jeremy Bray, the former Irish international, as its new Head Coach. Jeremy brings to this role a significant level of experience both as a top-class player and coach. Up to recently, he was the High-Performance Manager of Vanuatu, and prior to that, he was Head Coach of the Denmark Cricket Union. In Ireland, he has coached the Irish women’s team and the Irish u-19 squad.

“I enjoyed my seasons as a player at The Hills CC, and I am looking forward to working with the players and coaches at the club so that we can build on the existing good practice and structures”, said Bray when he confirmed the news of his appointment. Barry Grimes, Chairperson of the Cricket Committee of The Hills CC, in making the announcement indicated that during the close season, the Executive of The Hills had undertaken a root and branch review of its coaching structures and decided that the appointment of a top-class coach was a pre-requisite if the club was to fulfil its goals and aspirations.

In appointing Jeremy as the full-time coach to all sections of The Hills CC, we are confident that the future development of our adult and youth cricketers are in great hands. Everybody at The Hills is looking forward to Jeremy getting started, and his appointment is a wonderful boost for our club as we seek to maximise the talents of all our players. 

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