Martin Byrne and Mrs Maureen Byrne
Mrs Maureen Byrne, who celebrates her 100th birthday today, has had a lifelong involvement in cricket. Her late husband, Gerry, was a leading officer in the Fingal Cricket League for over 50 years. Her sons, Paddy, and Martin, played for the Hills CC with great distinction for many years, and have also served as officers of the club. Her grandchildren, Patrick, Darren, Amanda, Robert, and Alice, have continued the Byrne family’s commitment to the Hills CC.
Maureen, a founder member of The Hills in 1969 and also a Life Member, has been one of the leading lights of the Ladies Committee which has won for The Hills a richly deserved reputation for the quality of its hospitality. High class lunches and teas have been prepared and provided over many, many years with great courtesy, willingness, and pride.
Maureen has always been extremely thoughtful, and before the washing-up commenced, she would ask one of the members to check if there was any person in The Vineyard who hadn’t been invited in for a cup of tea and a sandwich. When the washing-up was completed, she would undertake a lap of the boundary with one of her close friends so that she could exchange pleasantries with her friends and visitors. She is extremely positive by nature so if a Hills’ team was having a bad day, she would just say, “sure, aren’t they doing their best”, or “things will be better next week”. While she was always very proud of her family’s achievements, she was equally generous in recognising the achievements of other players.
In the recent past, Maureen has not been to The Vineyard quite as often as she did in former times, but she continues to look at cricket on the television, especially when Eoin Morgan, that proud son of Fingal is playing. Prior to the Covid restrictions, commemorative events were held to recognise various anniversaries for cricket clubs and cricket organisations.
Maureen attended the Nostalgia Evening which was held to mark The Hills’ 50th Anniversary, and the club marked the occasion by presenting Mrs Byrne with a bouquet of flowers. The standing ovation which accompanied the presentation was an indication of the great esteem and affection in which she is held. There was a similar presentation to Mrs Byrne after the Tribute Evening for the Fingal Cricket League.
Members of the Hills and the wider Cricket Leinster community join with the Byrne family in sending its best wishes and congratulations to Mrs Maureen Byrne on reaching this wonderful milestone.
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