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All the best for 2016

The Hills Cricket Club management group would like to wish all our Committee’s,Members,Sponsors and Friends of The Hills Cricket Club all the best for 2016! It will be a fantastic year for our club going forward and with the people within ,doing the amazing work they do……it will be an exciting time for all concerned! …

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Wishing Everyone a Merry Christmas from The Hills

To All our members and friends of The Hills Cricket Club……..we on the Management Committee and all our other committee’s within……. would like to wish each and everyone a Wonderful Christmas and a Peaceful New Year! Come back refreshed for the new season ahead…a lot done more to do! Many thanks for all the help …

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New Official 2016 Club Merchandise

Are you struggling to think of a Christmas present for someone special………well why not buy an official Hills piece of club clothing? Polo tops, Rain jackets, Baseball caps or playing shirt. Or why not buy them their membership for season 2016? Another great gift idea. Hurry now as last orders are this Friday! Contact Gillian Byrne on +353 …

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Santa Arrives at The Hills – Sunday 20th of December 2.30PM

Santa will make his annual visit to the Vineyard to meet all the children of the club and the locality. Santa has been making this stop on his travels for over 40 years now and he has never dissappointed. The club will also be holding their annual Christmas raffle on that day with great prizes …

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Annual Cake and Produce Sale – Saturday 19th of December 10AM

This is one of our most popular Christmas events with locally grown produce and home cooked treats to compliment your Christmas table. The event starts at 10am but come down early to get your pick of the goodies on show.  

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Carols at The Hills – Sunday 13th of December 5.15 pm

The boys and girls from Milverton National School will be on hand to get us all into the Christmas spirit witha performance of carols for Chistmas. This event will also include a presenation to our long standing President Jim Bennett who is stepping down from his role after many years of valiant service on behalf …

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