Author's posts
Apr 04
Lets Go Racing!!!
Our Annual Race Night and one of our main fundraisers for the year takes place on Saturday 22nd April in The Club. First race is off at 8.30pm. For Race Cards Contact Michael Gavin PH 086 257 8012 or email Martin Russell Entrance fee is 10.00 Euro per horse and must be prepaid. So come …
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Mar 24
Training/Practice Notice for Boys and Girls
Training/Practice will commence on Wednesday 26th April 2017 U11 Boys – 5.30pm to 7pm U11 & 13 Girls – 5.30pm to 7pm U7 & U9 Girls & Boys – 6.30pm to 7.30pm U13 & U15 Boys – 7pm to 8.30pm U15 & U17 Girls will train with the Ladies on Monday Evenings 6:30pm U17 boys …
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Mar 11
Lets Go Racing!!!
Our Annual Race Night and one of our main fundraisers for the year takes place on Saturday 22nd April in The Club. First race is off at 8.30pm. For Race Cards Contact Michael Gavin PH 086 257 8012 or email Martin Russell Entrance fee is 10.00 Euro per horse and must be prepaid. So come …
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Mar 01
Have You Registered and Paid to Play for 2017????
The cricket season is upon us. There are many things you must do before the season starts. Take kit out of attic, find kit that wasn’t in attic, check if things fit, have all your bits, etc, etc But before you do all that you need to do two very important things. Pay your subs to …
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Jan 30
Tea Dance Sunday April 2nd
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Jan 22
Tea Dance Sunday 5th March
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Jan 06
Club Notice: Club Steward Appointed
The Club is pleased to announce that Martin Russell has been appointed Club Steward with immediate effect. As such Martin will have responsibility for the overall management of the clubhouse and, within that brief, specific responsibilities for:-Maintenance of the premises, Supervision of the TUS and CE workers, Managing Health and Safety Issues, Clubhouse bookings and …
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Dec 28
Club Change Effect Notice For 2016/2017
Please note the following changes that have taken effect for 2016/2017. Child Protection Designated Liaison Person: Jim Benntett Children’s Welfare Officers: Joseph Walser and Karen Smyth Health and Safety Chairman: Jim Bennett Health and Safety Officer: Jim Garry Executive Committee Liaison: Martin Russell We are currently building a small team to assist with Health and …
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